After five years, KeyCon finally returned with a bang on April 27, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Thanks to the hard work of the team at NovelKeys and several sponsors, the community was able to rejuvenate this important event that had taken place annually from 2013 to 2019, until Covid derailed it.
While keyboards are usually the focus of mechanical keyboard meetups, KeyCon events have always had a strong artisan keycap influence. The organizers this year generously offered an entire room dedicated to artisan related breakouts, and with the help of several makers and community members, we managed to organize some great sessions. I wasn't able to do any on-site testing of streaming, but Nephlock was able to organize the a/v equipment and Martakia managed to set up my laptop to record the proceedings. There was some background sound in a couple of the sessions, so the audio isn't perfect, but I hope those of you who weren't able to make the event enjoy these videos. Until next year!
Fireside resin chat with artisan keycap makers: Bogan Caps (Arium), Hello Caps (Hello?), LevelCaps (9999hp), and Rubrehose (badchad).
Enhance your appreciation of artisans with an introduction to how traditional hand sculpted and resin cast artisan keycaps are made. With Arium from Bogan Caps and DanklyFrank from PrimeCaps.
A brief walk through artisan keycap history, showcasing caps from each era. Includes a retrospective of early Keycon events. With PichaelThompson, Rmendis and CPTbadass from Tactile Zine.
Fireside resin chat with artisan keycap makers: Hunger Work Studio (Binge), Maison of the West (R3wfio), Mastonon (Mastonon), PrimeCaps (DanklyFrank and Lisabella), and special guest GAF (Kudos), who joins remotely about half-way through the session.