Clack Factory
a.k.a ClickClack (CC)

Clack is the legendary progenitor of all artisan makers and the inventor of the art form. Despite having no predecessors to learn from, Clack Factory artisans are generally regarded as being far ahead of their time in terms of technique, quality, and material mastery. Well-respected makers, including Kudos (of GAF) and ETF (of Nightcaps), unanimously mention Clack as their favorite and most impressive artist, for good reason. Looking at his own photos shared on Geekhack threads, we know that Clack was a prodigious experimenter, using his iconic Skull sculpt as a canvas to test many casting ideas. Clack produced artisans for virtually all popular switch types, including laptop scissor switch artisans that are yet to be replicated. From the deceptively simple 420 (Leaf) to the meticulously crafted Keypacitor, Clack produced masterpieces, launched the hobby we enjoy today, and set the bar for future makers to strive for.
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Location: California, USA
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